Second Winter Session = Building Vocabulary with Tango Turns (registration open to continuing students)

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Date(s) - 21/02/2024 - 20/03/2024
7:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Halifax Shambhala Centre

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A  continuation of  the first winter five  week  Tango II,  New students with previous  tango experience are welcome to enquire about joining, no need to have taken the previous 5 week series, There’s room for 3- 4 more people. Please contact me if you are wondering about your level and/or match for  this group.

Content: In this second 5  weeks,  our vocabulary will focus on turns to both the left and right, using the classic grapevine pattern for followers. Both leaders and followers will become familiar with the rhythm and technique of the grapevine,  and how it functions as we walk around the dance floor.  Turns in the tango  allow for many spontaneous navigational decision and are energetically fun.

Objectives: I like to encourage my students to use  step formations to explore tango music and self-expression right from the start and above all, to be comfortable navigating together on the dance floor.  I encourage the creative use of simple vocabulary that allows partners  to stay connected to both the  music and one another.

Cost: 5 weeks = $75 per person.  Cash at first class or E-transfer to

Please contact me for more information or with any questions,

