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Date(s) - 07/04/2019 - 02/06/2019
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Chez Margaret
– Open to all women interested in learning to lead and/or being a follower for a woman lead.
– No previous lead experience is required but previous orientation to tango as follower is recommended.
– The class will cover both instruction on leading plus followers’ technique (for the entire class).
– Half the participants need to be committed to learning to lead, and all participants should be up for improving their following.
– Women will be free to exchange lead and follow regularly or on occasion, depending on their preferences. It is a good practice to try both sides fo the equation.
– Since learning the lead requires focus and commitment, there will be suggestions for those switching on how best to share that role.
INTRO SESSION: Sunday, April 7, 1313 Hollis, 2:30-4 pm
Give this a try, and see if you like it!
Cost: $15/$10 for students (at the door) but please try to sign-up in advance!
If you are unable to attend on Sunday, but want to take the class, let me know!
Proposed 5 week series: Sundays, May 5, 12, 19 , 26 & June 2
2:30-4 pm
Location May 5 , 12 & 19 -= 1313 Hollis
May 26 & June 2 – My home studio, 33 Acorn Rd
6 or Less paid registrants = all classes will meet at Margaret’s Home studio (with carpool arrangements).
5 weeks = $70/u-students $60
3 or 4 classes Pro-rated at $15 per class
Drop-in = $20 per class/students $15
Pre-registration Requested! Please indicate your role preference!
Cheque, cash or E-transfer to mdspore@gmail.com
Any questions or comments, please talk to me, phone (or email)
(Photo = Margaret & Brooke Burdette, tango demo, Shambhala Ball, Boulder, Colorado, sometime between 1997 & 2001)