Close Embrace/Essential Tango – Small Group Class

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Date(s) - 17/07/2018 - 07/08/2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Chez Margaret

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Topic: Close Embrace/ Essential Tango 
Tuesday, July 17- Aug 7
7-8:30 pm
Margaret’s Home Studio/33 Acorn Rd (possible carpool rides  available!)
Prerequisite = basic tango, desire to master close dancing,  willingness to rotate.
Please register with a partner!  
Cost: $20 per class per person in group of 6 /$15 per person in group of 8 or more.
Pay in advance for all 4 classes = save $10.
Margaret & Michael at xmas milonga
Here are some benefits in  learning to dance close:
 – encourages a more connected, intuitive dance, regardless of distance.
 – aligns you with the  shared axis.
 – opens the door to off-axis work, wraps, leans, callecitas.
 – prepares you  to dance tango on crowded dance floors  around the world.
 – eliminates the  either/or equation.
Tango is a close dance that opens to facilitate specific steps and combinations.  The use of close embrace is an essential component of  traditional  Argentine tango, regardless of the style. Though in today’s diverse tango world, you may see an emphasis of one embrace over  another, my favourite experienced  dancers do both. The category of dancers that prefer to remain in  close embrace and forego any open footwork moves are referred to as “Milonguero- style’  dancers. Instead of dramatic wraps, off-axis  colgados, or linear boleos, these dancers choose to protect their aging bodies by remaining close and upright while playing creatively with rhythmic changes. One of the great values of mastering close embrace is the greater ease and relaxation it provides, while not compromising the improvisational and responsive aspects of the dance. Finally it turns out that many   dramatic moves can also be done close in a more subtle and safer way.
Obstacles to dancing close: There are two main obstacles I’ve seen in students. The first is the awkwardness of the physical intimacy before we are accomplished. Hence we must be patient with one another and recognize that it is merely a dance, not an affair.  Second is the uncertainty  leaders feel, when they must initially give up  the complex footwork they have learned, and do less, while they gradually  begin to trust the feel of the connection. This is by far the most profound aspect of dancing close. I still remember the panic I experienced as a lead  in my first close embrace workshop : where are her feet???? As a  follower dancing close, I like to shut my eyes,  and enter a contained musical zone with my partner.
If you are interested in joining the Tuesday group this summer,  let me know.
A similar class will be offered in the fall, in case that works better for you!
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.